
Receipt of Invoices by 30 September 2021 - Update

In light of the pandemic we are still experiencing and the IP Group Contingency Plan, it is vital to ensure the processing of invoices sent to the IP Group.

Therefore, as a precautionary measure, we would like to request all suppliers to send invoices digitally in accordance with the following requirements:


Please send to:;


Send only one PDF file per invoice (which should include attachments, if any) and one invoice by email. Whenever possible, the PDF invoice should include a certified signature;


Under “Subject” the Tax Identification Number should be provided (PTXXXXXXX) along with the supplier's name;


If you send an invoice as a PDF, you do not need to send a hard copy.

Please remember that all invoices or equivalent documents must include our SAP order number. Documents not including this information will be returned.

This procedure will remain in force until 30 September 2021 in accordance with Despacho_SEAAF_260_2021.pdf (

Electronic Invoicing

The IP Group has implemented an electronic invoicing system and is now able to receive electronic invoices from suppliers. In accordance with Decree-Law No 14-A 2020, electronic invoices (PDF file + XML file) shall be implemented before 31 December 2020.(*)

The introduction of electronic invoicing leads to greater efficiency in the processing of invoices and helps reduce payment times to suppliers, and for this reason we suggest you participate.

For further clarification and/or starting of tests, please send an email to:

(*) 30 June 2021 for SMEs and 31 December 2021 for micro-companies.

General Information
Terceiro Conteudo

IP maintains a supplier payment policy in line with Council of Ministers Resolution No 34/2008 of 22 February, which approves the Paying On Time Program, the aim of which is to significantly reduce payment times by public entities to suppliers of goods and services.

IP agrees/signs contracts with suppliers to stipulate payment times in invoicing documents. Whenever invoices are in compliance with the goods and/or services acquired and with legal and tax requirements, they will be paid by their due date (or thereabouts). In this regard we would like to advise our suppliers that in order to ensure greater speed in payment of invoices it is vital that the following information is kept up to date at IP:

  • Certificates of non-debt issued by the Tax Authority and Social Security Authority;

  • IBAN – certified evidence (whenever changed).

For invoicing related questions or other matters of a financial nature, please send an e-mail to or contact us on our help line 707 120 000 available on Thursdays from 09:00 to 17:00.